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As soon as Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) made it clear that Democrats would be voting against the Trump CR, the sycophantic corporate media went into overdrive, proclaiming that Democrats would own a shutdown.

This sent some Senate Democrats into a tizzy because way too many Democrats, both voters and elected officials, pay attention to the media establishment that barely hides its contempt for them, so now some Senate Democrats appear to be looking for a way to weasel out and support Trump’s CR.
The Trump White House seems to think that enough Senate Democrats will cave and pass it, because Republicans need eight Democratic Senators to join them.
Politico reported:
“They’re 100 percent gonna swallow it,” one White House official told me. “They’re totally screwed.”
The confidence is especially noteworthy given that Schumer has yet to detail his plans. Many lawmakers in both parties are privately predicting that some sort of deal will be reached in which Senate Democrats get amendment votes in return for allowing the House-passed “continuing resolution” to advance and ultimately pass.
If such a deal happens, it will be a disaster for the Democratic Party and yet another self-inflicted wound by cowardly leaders who refuse to listen to what their own voters want.
Voters want to fight.
House Democrats are fighting.
Some, not all, Senate Democrats want to turtle up and do nothing.
The easy place to put the blame would be on Chuck Schumer, but Schumer will only go where his caucus wants. If Senate Democrats were unified and wanted to shut it down, Schumer would go along with it.
The problem is that there is a group of Senate Democrats who are terrified of a shutdown because they listen to the corporate media, and the mainstream is echoing Trump/GOP talking points.
Neera Tanden of the Center For American Progress is sending around a memo telling Senate Democrats that momentum is building against Trump and they need to hold the line on the CR, or else they will kill what is growing in the country right now.
Trump thinks he will win a government shutdown, but he’s wrong. Just like he was wrong when he thought he would win a shutdown.
He didn’t.
Republicans won’t win this shutdown because they control the entire federal government, and public opinion has already turned against them on the economy.
Democrats have an easy argument to make. Voters put Republicans in charge, and they have to govern. Democrats won’t govern for them. If they want Democratic votes to pass a CR, they must come to Democrats and negotiate.
Senate Democrats are taking their supporters for granted.
It isn’t enough to call them and tell them to vote against the CR. Call them and tell them that a vote for the CR will cost them their jobs.
Do you think Republicans would own a government shutdown? What’s your opinion? Let me know in the comments below.