Gov & Politics

This category contains political and general news, latest updates and analysis on breaking political stories, politicians and other public figures, as well as popular policy-related blogs

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Even Rupert Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal Finds Kamala Harris Has Wiped Out Trump’s Lead

Even the conservative Rupert Murdoch-owned Wall Street Journal released a poll showing that Donald Trump’s lead is gone. The Wall Street Journal reported: The presidential race between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump is essentially tied, according to a new Wall Street Journal poll that shows heightened support for her among nonwhite voters and dramatically increased

Even Rupert Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal Finds Kamala Harris Has Wiped Out Trump’s Lead Read More »

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Harris Campaign Says Trump Is Hiding At Mar-a-Lago And Refusing To Debate

The Harris campaign responded to Trump trying to back out of debating the presumptive Democratic nominee by saying that the ex-president is hiding at Mar-a-Lago. The Harris campaign issued a response to Trump’s refusal to agree to participate in a debate with Harris until after she is officially the nominee: “I am calling for Debates,

Harris Campaign Says Trump Is Hiding At Mar-a-Lago And Refusing To Debate Read More »

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Trump Release New Ronny Jackson Letter Adding To Speculation Ex-President Wasn’t Shot

Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX) wrote another letter for Trump claiming that the ex-president was shot and attacking the FBI Director, stating that the cause of Trump’s ear wound is unknown at this time. Here is the latest Rep. Jackson letter in Eargate: What has gotten MAGA and Trump in

Trump Release New Ronny Jackson Letter Adding To Speculation Ex-President Wasn’t Shot Read More »

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Trump Campaign Demands Equal Time After Biden Oval Office Address

Chris LaCivitia of the Trump campaign threatened the television networks with legal action if they didn’t give Trump equal time since President Biden gave an Oval Office address. LaCivitia posted, “Every single network that televised this campaign speech will be getting follow-up letters from our attorneys regarding equal time.

Trump Campaign Demands Equal Time After Biden Oval Office Address Read More »

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Kamala Harris Has Taken The Lead Over Trump In Registered Voters Tracking Poll

Vice President Kamala Harris now leads Donald Trump in the registered voters weekly tracking poll from Morning Consult. According to the Morning Consult weekly tracking poll: – Harris now leads Trump in our tracking: In our first survey conducted fully after President Joe Biden announced he will no longer

Kamala Harris Has Taken The Lead Over Trump In Registered Voters Tracking Poll Read More »


Give Biden Credit As GDP Report Shows US Has Strongest Economy In The World

President Joe Biden took a well-earned victory lap for the economy he and his Vice President Kamala Harris have overseen as the economy grew way above expectations at a 2.8% in the second quarter. “When I took office, we were in the midst of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. Today’s GDP report

Give Biden Credit As GDP Report Shows US Has Strongest Economy In The World Read More »

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