Nurture Your Wife, Stay Married for Life

Maybe you can relate to this exchange between author and speaker, Dan Seaborn, and his wife Jane.

Jane: I like hot tea.
Dan: I like sweetened iced tea.

Jane:I don’t like to be sweaty.
Dan: I love to sweat.

Jane: Yellow lights mean stop.
Dan: Yellow lights mean floor it, baby!

Jane: He drives way too fast.
Dan: She drives way too slowly.

Jane: I like grilled chicken.
Dan:I like my chicken deep fried in oil and covered in Shake and Bake.

Men and women are different, which affects their marriage, sometimes profoundly so. And it raises an important question: What does it mean for a man to nurture and cherish his wife, despite the differences between them?

On Focus on the Family with Jim Daly, I’m airing a timeless recording by Dan Seaborn who offers a fun look at how differences can drive husbands and wives apart or bring them together. Tune in on your local radio station, online, on Apple Podcasts, or take us with you on our free phone app.

If differences have led to conflict in your marriage, call Focus on the Family to speak with one of our counselors. Leave your name and number, and they’ll get back with you as soon as possible. The number during business hours is 1-800-A-FAMILY (232-6459).

And if differences have created a gap so wide your marriage is on the brink of divorce, our Hope Restored marriage intensives can go a long way toward facilitating healing between you and your spouse and restoring your relationship. The number for Hope Restored is 1-866-875-2915, or click here. The intensives take place in five locations:

  • Branson, Missouri
  • Greenville, Michigan
  • The WinShape Retreat Center in Rome, Georgia
  • Cave Creek, Arizona
  • Wimberley, Texas

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